Famous Seamus

I love Humanity, I Love Art and Music, and I love the Earth. I hate Right Wingers and if reading my postings doesn't make them want to kill me then I'm wasting my time

Friday, March 11, 2005

I'm sick and tired of reading things by neurotic psychotic paranoid prima-donnas

Hey Folks,

Hope you all like the new template. I thought it was appropriate that I chose a green one as that suggests eco-friendliness. It supports hyperlinks as well, which is cool. It took me fucking ages to figure out how to put them in but now that they're there feel free to log onto them.

One of these days I'll figure out how to put up photographs so those of you who aren't friends or relatives (Ha Ha) will know what I look like. It can't be that complicated, some of the neighbouring blogs like Indianans for Jesus can manage it, after all.

Most of the links I put up are for sites I've been longing onto for a while. Google News was up there automatically, not terribly surprising as blogger is owned by google.

Lies.com is one I found out about just a while ago. I wanted to write a piece about how some of today's politicians (no prizes for guessing who) are incapable of telling the truth. I googled for "rove Lies" and there it was.

Karl Rove, as you probably know, is the student of Machiavelli and one of the shadowy figures behind George Bush. While some of the complexities of Florertine Reniassance politics might be lost on Dubya, there are certainly some things he's learned indirectly from the author of the Prince.

One, of course is the doctrine of permanent fear which the republicans used with chilling effectin the run up to the last election, with Cheney warning the US people that if Kerry got elected then the US would face another strike of 9/11 proportions, and, as Michael Moore showed in Fahrenheit 9/11, playing the electorate like a violin with terror alerts, which were permanently downgraded to yellow a week after the election.

Another Machiavellian trick that the republicans use to frightening effect is that of repeating lies until people believe them. It's been said that the first casualty of War is Truth, and now that the US is engaged in a permanent war on "terror" it looks like lady verity might never rise from the ashes again.

Bush's latest lie is to is to clain that democracy is on the March as a result of his war on Iraq. Though it's obvious to anyone whose looked at the situation carefully that Iraq is a long way from being a democracy, with the US holding leverage over elections, occupying the country against the express wishes of the people and controlling the oil supply, even the supposedly liberal London Independent was moved to ask in a front page article if Bush was right all along about the spread of democracy in the middle east following demonsrations in Syria.

The truth is that Bush has been lying all along, and he shows no signs of stopping. While he made concilliatory noises on a recent visit to Europe, he was making plans to appoint the anti-UN John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN, which led SydneyBlumenthal to say that Orwells 1984 clock was ticking 13.

His lies on the subject of Syria are no less sinister. As the even more famous Seamus, Mr Milne of the Guardian points out, the people on the streets of Syria are calling for anything but democracy, as what they really want is a return to elections where a muslim can't hold the presidency.

Yet if even the Independent is flirting with the idea of joining the pro-war side, what hope for Americans who get their news from Fox?

I really shouldn't be so condescending, as many people here in Ireland believe whatever the government tell them about subjects like incineration, in spite of the vast evidence that the technology is enormously dangerous. It's easy for governments to lie to people, especially when the lies are exactly what they want to hear. The odd thing is that there seems to be so little dissent in an age of proliferating information media.

The sad truth is that most people are like Homer Simpson and don't really want to engage with serious issues and prefer to put their trust in elected legislators over issues like that rainforest thing to thinking themselves.

Another Machivellian maxim is that the bigger a lie, the more people are likely to believe it, as most people aren't that imaginitive. Many people believe the Bible must be true as all that stuff would have been so hard to make up, though earlier religous works like the Maharbata are even more outlandish (There's a virgin birth in the Maharabata, by the way)

This theory ignores the fact that people have written even more outlandish stuff which they never claimed to be true, like, off the top of my head, Tannhauser, Don Quixote, the Lord of the Rings, the Iliad and the Odyssey, and even more outlandish stuff still that was claimed to be true,like the Warren, Butler, and Hutton commision reports.

Yet when the Bush administration published their weapons of mass destruction dossier, it was so detailed and complex that people thought it counldn't have been made up, though it obviously was.

This is why lies.com is such an important site. We've got to stop electing the people who tell the slickest lies and have the best spin doctors to manipulate the truth to lead us.


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