Famous Seamus

I love Humanity, I Love Art and Music, and I love the Earth. I hate Right Wingers and if reading my postings doesn't make them want to kill me then I'm wasting my time

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Tears for Hassan

Even for those of us who think we've become immune to violence after seeing so much of it in cinemas and on the Daily News on TV will be shocked at the brutal murder of Margeret Hassan.
There will be those who will try to defend the action of the terrorists that commited this atrocity, arguing that she was carrying a passport of one of the countries that's reducing Fallugah to rubble, that many of the people who are detained in Guantanemo Bay were similarly merely in the wrong place at the wrong time.
To me this argument is frankly bollocks.
Margaret Hassan was a woman who gave her life to help the people of Iraq and killing her in this way is the work of people who care nothing for them but only for their own merciless interpretation of Isalm.
If Islam is really the one true religion (you won't find many of it's followers who're willing to countenence any other contingency) and Allah lets these scumbags into heaven then I may as well go on watching pornography and listening to loud music and not praying to Mecca five times a day because I'd rather burn in hell for all eternity than share any amount of virgin arab women with these cunts.
On the other hand, I wish the British media would spare me their tears. Last night on Sky News George Jones of the Telegraph told us that he thought this represented a new low. The Telegraph is the paper that constantly denies that the British government bear any responsibilty for either the Irish famine or the events of Bloody Sunday, at which their correspondent in Derry was heard to remark of the murdering British troops :"They shot well, didn't they?" So while they'll shed tears for the latest Irish woman to die as a result of descisions that the British Government has made, don't expect them to place any responsibilty on Tony Blair's shoulders.
Blair will shed tears for Hassan as well - He can turn on the waterworks the way Asian prostitutes tell fat middle aged germans how handsome they are. He'll ring her family and show up at a memorial service. But he won't admit that Mrs. Hassan probably wouldn't have died if he hadn't commited British troops to help George Bush's imperialist war in the Middle East.
It may well be that the US and British Governments may have believed their own propaganda that the Iraqi people would rise up against Saddam and that the only resistance they prepared for was the mythical WMD.
On the other hand, if the increasingly plausible theory that the US and British Forces deliberately left the borders open in order to draw terrorists from all over the Middle East to Iraq where they could face the might of the American and British military machine, then responsibility for her death lies firmly on Blair's shoulders.
As he did with the relatives of Ken Bigley, Blair will plead with relatives to see the bigger picture. But what bigger picture would that be? Blair has sacrificed hundreds of young men and women to help the Bush posse keep a stranglehold on Middle Eastern oil, but in return Bush pisses on his polite requests for action on global warming or an independent Palestinian state.
Unfortunately for any UK citizens who find themselves in Iraq or any other country in whose affairs George Bush decides to meddle, Blair hasn't got a reverse gear and his head will remain squarely between Monkey-Boy's buttocks for the next four and a bit years.
The best tribute Blair could pay to the life and work of Margaret Hassan would be to pull troops out of Iraq, although he should have done this before November 2nd as... Oh, don't get me started. The next best thing he could do would be to admit that the sanctions which hindered the work of Mrs. Hassan and all the other selfless aid workers in the area, and resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqis - way more than Saddam ever killed - were a catastrophic mistake.
But I won't be holding my breath.


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