Famous Seamus

I love Humanity, I Love Art and Music, and I love the Earth. I hate Right Wingers and if reading my postings doesn't make them want to kill me then I'm wasting my time

Friday, January 14, 2005

Kill all SUV owners

A documentary on Channel Four the Other day achieved the rare feat of making me hate SUV owners even more than I did before.

What would Jesus drive? was largely preaching to the converted, in my case at least. I've always regarded people who own these monster cars as greedy, selfish, sociopaths who're either ignorant of the impact their cars have on the environment or just basically don't care about anyone besides themselves and their immediate families.

But some of the things I saw in this programme made my jaw drop. One family in Huntingdon Beach, CA, told the camera without a trace of irony that they collect cars the way some people collect stray animals because they're "inexpensive and fun"
I want to kill this person, slowly and painfully. First of all, I want to see all his cars crushed and then converted into tractors for hungry communities in Africa.
When you see people like this, you're reminded of Theodore Adorno's comment about the banality of evil. He didn't come across as being a malovent person, yet he ought to be aware of the destruction that his lifestyle wreaks on the planet and many of those people who're misforunate enough to live in countries that have more oil than they can use. And he's got to be aware that most people in the world can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.

But he wasn't the person that I hated the most. At a motor industry event in Anaheim where they were selling Hummers that get 11 miles to the gallon, one cunt told that camera that he wanted George Bush to get his act together. I couldn't have agreed more, until he said "We own Iraq, and Oil is $50 a gallon?"
I'm going to let his failure to comprehend the subtleties of imperial conquest pass. The important thing is that he seems to know that Bush invaded Iraq to secure it's supply of cheap oil, and that he actually wanted 100,000 people to die so he could drive a bigger and more dangerous car. What sort of people think like this? The sad answer would appear to be Americans.

One smugly asserted that when the California Earthquake strikes, SUV drivers will survive while all the people in "Little Cars" will be killed.

Another was trying to convince us that Global warming would be a good thing, leading to an increase in foliage. Even if the specious, oil-industry-sponsered "Science" behind this assertion were true, the sad fact is that oil is going to run out in fifty years time and then we'll be reliant on bio-fuel, which means more rainforest depletion.

It's not all bad news, though. A series of ads has been shown across the US informing people of the consequences of their choice of motor. Others are taking a more direct approach, spraypainting and even firebombing 4x4s and painting messages like "One more Dead Iraqi" on SUV owners driveways. We need more commendable, civic-minded behaviour like this. If it's justifiable to attack Iraq on a mere suspicion, it's right to attack SUVs when it's demonstrable that they're expediting the end of the world as we know it.

The easiest and most risk-free way to vandalise an SUV is to scratch it with a key, though this usually backfires as it leads to more spraypainting and concomitant environmental damage.

Or you could download some fake parking tickets from www.wastemonsters.co.uk. They're configured for certain central London areas but if you're good with computers (I'm Not) you may be able to redesign them. Put them on as many SUVs as you can, just don't get caught.


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